Mostafa Haque
Game/Narrative Designer
Adventure Escape: The Sultan's Inventor
Adventure Escape Mysteries is a collection of mystery games created by Haiku games. Each individual 'episode' within the Adventure Escape Mysteries app is a complete game with its own storyline and unique sets of puzzles.
The Sultan's Inventor is an adventure game set in a fantasy world of clockwork robots - heavily inspired by the Arabian Nights. The player takes on the role of Zara, the Royal Inventor of Yangara as she attempts to clear her name when one of her robot becomes an accessory to a horrible crime. The game is divided into 8 chapters - each of which corresponds to a different level.

My Involvement -
Game Designer
I designed level sections and puzzles, wrote game design documentation for engineering, and art specs for artists detailing our intended aesthetic. I also wrote dialogue, outlined the narrative, and helped build the world from the ground up. Finally, I was also responsible for making sure all the puzzles I designed were properly implemented.
I worked with the other designers to create the setting for The Sultan's Inventor. I relied heavily on my own background as a Muslim to help shape the game world. Many concepts were borrowed from the Arabian Nights stories I grew up on. And for visual references, I cited many Mughal era structures I was familiar with due to my upbringing. I was also the one to push forward the idea of robots based on Abbasid Muslim designs, and it eventually formed the backbone of The Sultan's Inventor. Aside from that, I was responsible for a little over a third of all puzzles, levels, and dialogue for the game. The puzzle I am proudest about making was an innovative bartering mini-game which was complex enough to be a standalone title.