Mostafa Haque
Game/Narrative Designer

Having studied game development for the entirity of my academic career, I am proficient in designing and programming functional game systems. My primary focus is game writing and narrative design with a preference for telling meaningful stories with some level of historic context. I can also create basic vector graphics and UI wireframes.
Game Designer
Haiku Games
2020 - Present
I design and document puzzles, levels, and level flows. I also help create the overarching narrative and write dialogue. Documentation I make includes Game Design Documents to tell programmers how to implement features as well as Art Specs to tell our Art Department what we want them to create.
Game Designer
Mokuni LLC
2019 - 2020
I design and program game systems in Unity, while working closely with our company's artists to implement art assets. I also regularly present the progress of the game to the rest of the studio and assess where we are on the overall roadmap.
Adjunct Instructor
NYU Game Center
2018 - Present
I help teach Games 101 - a fundamental Games history course. In it I set up a variety of games for students to play over recitation and proctored their tests.
Teaching Assistant
NYU Game Center
2017 - 2018
In my first semester as a TA, I helped teach Games 101 - a fundamental Games history course. In my second semester, I was the TA for board game design. In it, I assisted the instructor in setting up a wide range of board games that conveyed the core design idea we were discussing for that day. I also helped guide new players and resolved any rules questions that they might have had.
Resident Assistant
Dakota State University
2013 - 2016
There's more to being a Resident Assistant than simply writing up drunk college kids. An R.A. must effectively and fairly manage his floor to achieve maximum efficiency while planning out programs and events that would positively impact the residents on his floor. As a whole, an R.A. is responsible for providing meaningful experiences to his/her residents on a regular, consistent basis and I believe this is a skill that is essential for any and all game designers.
Trojan Times - DSU
2015 - 2016
Assistant Editor
2013 - 2015
If there's one thing that helping run a University newspaper has taught me, it's that simply being able to write won't net you readers. To gain maximum publicity, you must not only deliver your work in a timely, consistent pattern but also comprehend your target audience. Knowing what makes them tick from their viewing patterns and shaping their experience accordingly is what truly keeps a newspaper alive. And I believe the same goes for designing video games.

New York University
2016 - 2018
Master of Fine Arts in Game Design.
Dakota State University
2012 - 2016
Bachelor of Science in Computer Game Design.